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4.3. Adding Show Page

This post demonstrates how to implement the show page of blog_posts resource without resorting to <MuiShowInferencer />. We replace the existing code inside the src/pages/blog-posts/show.tsx file with the Inferencer-generated refine and Material UI code.

The Show Page

The Inferencer-generated <BlogPostShow /> component is available at the /blog-posts/show/:id route. For a blog post with a given :id, when we visit its show page, we can view the code in a modal by clicking on Show the auto-generated code button. The code looks like this:

Show generated code

import { useShow, useOne } from "@refinedev/core";
import {
TextFieldComponent as TextField,
} from "@refinedev/mui";
import { Typography, Stack } from "@mui/material";

export const BlogPostShow = () => {
const { queryResult } = useShow();
const { data, isLoading } = queryResult;

const record = data?.data;

const { data: categoryData, isLoading: categoryIsLoading } = useOne({
resource: "categories",
id: record?.category?.id || "",
queryOptions: {
enabled: !!record,

return (
<Show isLoading={isLoading}>
<Stack gap={1}>
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">
<NumberField value={record?.id ?? ""} />
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">
<TextField value={record?.title} />
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">
<MarkdownField value={record?.content} />
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">

{categoryIsLoading ? (
) : (
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">
<TextField value={record?.status} />
<Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold">
Created At
<DateField value={record?.createdAt} />

The Inferencer generated this <BlogPostShow /> component by carrying out an initial polling of the blog post resource, figuring out the shape of the API response and placing the Material UI elements for the page appropriately.

Below, we briefly make sense of the components and hooks used in this page.

Understanding the Show Page Components

Refer to the Material UI documentation for more information

Handling Relationships

The blog_posts resource is associated with the categories resource. In the show page for a blog post item, we retrieve associated categories data with refine's core useOne() hook.

refine useOne() Hook

This hook allows us to fetch a single record based on the id and resource parameters passed to it. Here, we are getting the category of the blog post:

const { data: categoryData, isLoading: categoryIsLoading } = useOne({
resource: "categories",
id: record?.category?.id || "",
queryOptions: {
enabled: !!record,

We use the queryOptions object to make sure the associated categories data is fetched only after the blog post record has been successfully retrieved. By setting the enabled property to true only if the blog_posts record variable is truthy, we are able to control the fetching of categories record.

Refer to the useOne() documentation for more information

Let's copy this and paste the Inferencer-generated code into the file at src/pages/blog-posts/show.tsx. We should replace the existing code that uses the <MuiShowInferencer />.

Show Page Preview

Now, if we view the blog post show page in the browser at localhost:5173/blog-posts/show/123, we see the same UI being rendered, except the Show the auto-generated code is missing because we removed the <MuiShowInferencer /> component:

